5 Simple Ways to Relieve Thirst and Maintain Hydration

Samrah Qamar Khan
3 min readAug 3, 2023


Drinking sufficient water is an important part of maintaining good health. Taking enough water each day helps us in keeping fluid levels topped up in our body and lets the body function properly. However, it is not easy to remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day due to our busy schedules and tempting alternatives.

But don’t worry! With 5 effective and simple tips, you can keep yourself hydrated and enjoy various benefits brought by hydration.

Infused pleasures

If you find plain water boring, try flavoring it with cucumber slices or even with fresh herbs or fruits. These all-natural additives not only give your water a new, delicious flavor but also enrich it with minerals and vitamins. You can find your favorite infusion by experimenting with different flavor combinations, such as strawberry and kiwi, lemon and mint, or orange and basil. You will soon discover yourself eagerly reaching throughout the day for your own special water blends.

Sip steadily, sip smartly

One of the easiest ways to maintain proper hydration levels is to drink water regularly throughout the day. According to the research, it is necessary for sedentary adults to drink 1.5 liters of water each day to keep the body hydrated. Make sure you always have a bottle of water, and take it with you everywhere you go. Even if you don’t feel thirsty, try to drink a few sips of water every hour. Adopting this practice will help you avoid dehydration before it starts.

Nourishing hydration

In addition to drinking plenty of water, a healthy diet should also include a variety of hydrating foods. As per the report on a healthy diet, it is identified by 37% of respondents that drinking plenty of fluids is important to keep the body hydrated. Watermelon, cucumbers, oranges, and berries, among many others, all have a high water content and are thus excellent options.

Consume flavored beverages

You don’t have to limit yourself to water when you’re trying to stay hydrated; flavored beverages can be just as effective. Other beverages that can help you meet your daily fluid needs include coconut water, herbal teas, and freshly squeezed fruit juices. However, the advantages of drinking sufficient water might be nullified by consuming sugary or artificially flavored beverages. If you want to stay hydrated without ingesting any sugar or artificial sweeteners, choose a sugar-free, low-sugar, or all-natural beverage.

Reminders for hydration

With everything going on in our life, it’s easy to overlook the need of staying hydrated. Use helpful applications or set up alerts on your phone to remind you to take a drink and stay hydrated. Such prompts might be useful for changing up the routine and keeping you on track with your goals of hydration. Moreover, use an application to keep track of how much water you drink each day to keep yourself motivated and ensure you meet you.

Bottom Line

Keep in mind that adequate hydration is not only crucial to your health but also provides the energy your body needs to perform at its best. Keeping yourself well-hydrated during the day is simple if you follow these five guidelines.

Cheers to hydrating your body and adopting a happier, healthier, and more active you! Drink up and keep hydrated!

